Vortrag auf der Jahreskonferenz der Society for Artistic Research Wien

05.04.2021 – gksh hält einen Vortrag über die Aktivitäten der Special Interest Group „Spatial Aesthetics and Artificial Environments“ vor einem internationalen Publikum in Wien.

Nach einem ereignisreichen Jahr hat gksh die Workshops, Lesungen und Diskussionen der SIG, deren Gründung im Januar 2020 von der Society for Artistic Research akzeptiert wurde, zusammengefasst und einen Ausblick auf zukünftige Aktivitäten gegeben.

Can we agree on what space is? Concepts, definitions and interpretations of space and of spatiality are essentially how we construct the world and by extent how we create means to intervene into that world, with our day-to-day practices.

‘Space’ thus accumulates plural constructs, poetic artifices that we collectively produce and reproduce through time, within our cultures, our sciences, our arts. Through the dimension of time, these are the spaces that serve as vehicles for adaptation and transformation, from the scale of the individual to that of collective societies and of the environment at large.

In this SIG we want to intersect different practices and discourses as heterogeneous but complementary articulations of ‘space’, that address, operate on and contribute, in different ways and capacities, to the transformation of the contemporary environment and its challenges: the social, the infrastructural, the technological, the sensory, the virtual, the built and the unbuilt.